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Irish Studies, Dublin

Céad mile fàilte! This summer program is based in beautiful Dublin. Designed for all students interested in studying in Ireland, this programs offer courses that will earn students credits towards their general education requirements. Students stay with host families for a full, cultural immersion experience.


JUNE 4-JULY 30, 2016

Job Placement

Placement with Irish based organization based on the academic area of study, options include but are not limited to:
• Journalism and media
• Film, radio or broadcasting
• Communications
• Legal studies
• Event management and planning
• Accounting and finance
• Business management
• Early Childhood



Dublin Castle, Kilmanhaim Gaol, Trinity College, and the GAA museum are just some of the many Dublin sites included in the program. Visits to these sites are incorporated into the relevant courses, providing onsite learning opportunities for students. Also included is a weekend excursion providing students with a visit to other parts of Ireland, and participate in a range of Irish Cultural activities.

Host Families

Students are matched to a specific Irish family who welcome them into their home in Dublin. Families live in the South County Dublin area with convenient access to Dublin’s public transportation system. Staying with a specially selected Irish family allows students to have their independence while being in a supportive environment, with breakfast and dinners provided.

PRICE: $5275


[unordered_list style=’circle’ animate=’no’]
  • Tuition
  • Accommodation with an Irish Host family
  • Breakfasts and dinners
  • Internship Placement
  • Local Transportation Pass
[unordered_list style=’circle’ animate=’no’]
  • Airport transfer on day of arrival
  • Excursions and course related activities
  • Overnight Excursion
  • 24 hour ground support

[button size=’large’ type=’normal’ border_color=’56821b’ color=” background_color=’8dc73f’ font_style=” text=’Apply Now’ link=’’ target=’_self’]


JUNE 4-JULY 23, 2016

Combine Work+Study

Students can choose a 3 credit course between Screening Ireland and Transatlantic Currents, for a total of 5 weeks, and intern with an Irish Organization for a total of 150 hours throughout the duration of the program.

Placement with Irish based organization based on the academic area of study, options include but are not limited to:
• Journalism and media
• Film, radio or broadcasting
• Communications
• Legal studies
• Event management and planning
• Accounting and finance
• Business management
• Early Childhood



Dublin Castle, Kilmanhaim Gaol, Trinity College, and the GAA museum are just some of the many Dublin sites included in the program. Visits to these sites are incorporated into the relevant courses, providing onsite learning opportunities for students. Also included is a weekend excursion providing students with a visit to other parts of Ireland, and participate in a range of Irish Cultural activities.

Host Families

Students are matched to a specific Irish family who welcome them into their home in Dublin. Families live in the South County Dublin area with convenient access to Dublin’s public transportation system. Staying with a specially selected Irish family allows students to have their independence while being in a supportive environment, with breakfast and dinners provided.

PRICE: $5250


[unordered_list style=’circle’ animate=’no’]
  • Tuition
  • Accommodation with an Irish Host family
  • Breakfasts and dinners
  • Internship Placement
  • Local Transportation Pass
[unordered_list style=’circle’ animate=’no’]
  • Airport transfer on day of arrival
  • Excursions and course related activities
  • Overnight Excursion
  • 24 hour ground support

[button size=’large’ type=’normal’ border_color=’56821b’ color=” background_color=’8dc73f’ font_style=” text=’Apply Now’ link=’’ target=’_self’]