There are many ways you can reduce the cost and make studying abroad fit your budget. Here are some things you should know when considering your funding options
- Foundation scholarships may also be available to you. Be sure to research local foundation scholarships from your hometown and contact the foundation to find out more about their application process.
- Check with your university’s study abroad department regarding scholarships. Many study abroad departments offer scholarships to their students and have other resources students can explore when considering their funding options.
- Be sure to research scholarships that might be offered by your field of study. Many departments at your university could also offer scholarships to students pursing a major in their field.
- CLASSPORT gives an opportunity for students to apply to their scholarship program. If selected, the scholarship recipient may receive up to $1,000.00 off their total program cost. To apply, please download our scholarship application below and send to
- If you are a U.S citizen and an undergraduate student that receives the Federal Pell Grant at a two or four-year college, and plan to participate in studying abroad or interning abroad, you may be eligible for the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. For more information, visit
Classport Scholarship Application
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Additional resources
Check out these great websites for additional scholarship opportunities!